Sunday, March 16, 2008

Podcast subscription

The podcast that subscribed to this week is "Moving at the Speed of Creativity Podcasts" by Wesley A. Fryer.

The podcast description says, "Moving at the Speed of Creativity Podcasts focus on education, twenty-first century literacy, authentic instruction and technology integration."

I found these episodes to be incredibly helpful. They are full of great ideas on using technology in the classroom. There was an episode built entirely around podcasting, which helps me for this class. The other episode that I am very excited about was digital storytelling for kids. This will help me a lot with teaching writing and incorportating technology into the process to make it more meaningful for them. With over 300 episodes available, I haven't gotten the chance to listen to a majority of them, however I did see a few of them with still pictures, which helps me with my final project. Overall, I'm excited about everything this podcasts offers.

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